Our innovative platform enables educational institutions to manage their students' internships, providing security, transparency and efficiency.

Digital documents

document friendly for Erasmus Mobility Tool
benefit from our expertise in EU requirements

Students first

no charges
feedback system favours trusted employers

Goodbye to Spreadsheets!

a portal designed for your needs
add team members depending on roles
Why Training Experience?
We have been working with students and European companies for the past 4 years, developing an expertise in student mobility placements and a deep understanding for the needs of all involved. Our vision is to create a more connected market, where fewer barriers and better employment of technology will allow students, universities and companies each to get the greatest value.
We are proud to release the TX platform which, through supporting educational centers, companies and students, will help achieve our goal of increasing the employability of young talent.
How does it work?
The TX platform enables students, universities and businesses to work together with unprecedented ease. For students, this means more opportunities, greater security and improved employment prospects. For universities, this means less time wasted on processes and paperwork, and a greater ability to manage and be of assistance to their students. Furthermore, removing barriers between business and university means validated feedback and a higher quality of experience for all. Our business model means that students and universities don’t pay a penny.
500 +
40 +
400 +
150 +