3 steps to start an internship in Estonia
Is there anything I need to know about an internship in Estonia, you might ask.
Well, the process of coming for an internship to Estonia is pretty straightforward and easy. There are, however, a couple of things you should keep in mind for having a smooth and enjoyable stay.

I Do I need a visa?
EU citizensIf you are an EU citizen you do not need a visa or a residence permit if you are staying in the country for up to three months. If you are planning your internship in Estonia to be longer than that, you need to register your placement and apply for an ID-card. Read more about registering your placement here.
Non-EU citizensFor a short stay (up to 12 months) you need a visa, which type depends on the duration of your stay. Type C visa would be the best option if the duration of your stay is up to 90 days. For a little longer periods, type D visa allows you to stay in the country for up to 12 months. Everything about visas is explained here.
In case of coming to Estonia for an internship or to work, here is an extremely useful site that will help you to understand the required documents process easily: https://www.workinestonia.com/coming-to-estonia/
II Where should I live?
As in probably most countries, it is a little difficult to find accommodation from a distance. However, a couple of Facebook groups can be really useful, especially for renting an apartment straight from the landlord and for not paying an extra fee to the brokers.
Even though most of the posts in those groups are in Estonian, you can always post/comment in English and someone will help you.
- Korterite üürimine Tartus (Otse Omanikult) – a group for finding accommodation in Tartu
- Korterite üürimine (MAAKLERITETA!) – posts mostly about accommodation in Tallinn
III Where do I find my favorite peanut butter?
For managing everyday business there are also great solutions on Facebook, for example, a group called Expats in Tallinn, Estonia. Everything from which area to stay at, to where to find a specific food that you have been craving for but haven't found in the supermarket. Turn to other expats to get tips from people who have already been through similar situations as you are going. They are usually more than happy to give a tip or two!
Before going to Estonia keep in mind that Estonians tend to keep quiet if you do not give them a little push and that the winter is always coming, so you better be prepared for that!
Go check out Training Experience's internship offers from here.